Not just long ago mothers around the world knew and found out another way how to protect their children, while my Mum was scrolling down her facebook page, she quickly spotted, a guardian page, where you can find new, and alerting information of what's happening around the world.
When she quickly spotted the post, the title was Talking Angela, Talking Angela is an app, its a game that most children around 3-9 ages play on touch screen devices. The app Talking Angela is more of an touch screen game, where you can either type to chatt,
When playing Talking Angela, Angela (the cat) asks specific questions based on one theme like, whats your name?, how old are you?, what school do you attend. Specific questions lead to dangerous things, especially when your talking to someone that you don't even know.
After skimming and scanning the post about Talking Angela, my Mum quickly asked me and my brothers about what they know about the app Talking Angela, and have they played it?. They responded back saying "yes" they have played the app, at my Cousins house. Afters a few days me and my family visited my Aunty's house to warn them about the app.
So if you are an parent, or is an uncle or aunty that has niece's or nephews and are technology freaks then please for your own safety, alert, warn, or gossip about the app, or any other app thats simalar to this app "Talking Angela".