
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Serenity News Article Response

Read the whole article and record the key words or phrases that answer the following questions.

News Article Headline
Copy and paste Link/URL here

Giant George
World’s tallest dog dies
Arizon, Usa
Giant George died on Thursday, October 17,2013
Because he has eaten too much for his age, he eats 50 kg's of food every month
Because he has eaten too much for his age, he eats 50 kg's of food every month
Rewrite the article in your own words
In Arizon, USA the tallest dog in the world Giant George has died on Thursday, October 17, 2013 because every month he eats around 50 kg's of food
at the age of seaven giant george has eaten 50 kg's everymonth and now has deid

Opinion and Why:
What do you think about this news and why
that this story in very interesting and a cool story to read about  

What are some questions this article has prompted that you may like to find out the answers to

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Judy Moody Saves the World

I have chosen this book because the titile look and sound intresting and I have read half of this book but haven't read the whole book .. Now I want to finish of the book

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Serenity and Faa'ao


An person in the hall is an a magician...  he or she will be tapping the hat an the out comes corn beff